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What is Grace?

October 31, 2011

Divine Grace


There are about as many definitions of Divine Grace as there are Christians.  However, according to God’s own word, there is only one, and that one solely defines who He is.  It is embedded in His character, in His nature and above all, it is in His disposition to show His graciousness and loving kindness toward all of humanity.  It is His Nature to love mankind in the same manner as He loved His first creation Adam. The original creation was corrupted by the first act of disobedience in the heavens – then by man.  But God’s love for His creation ran so deep in His heart that when the relationship between Himself and His creation was broken, He forgave us and reconciled it alone by becoming flesh, bound it by the crucifixion and death of His only begotten Son, and then sealed it with His own Spirit by the...

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